Graphic analysis of results of projects developed by students in a graphic design technical course in São Paulo
Design pedagogy for young people, technical design education, teaching visual communication, graphic memory, visual cultureAbstract
This study aimed to understand how students’ school projects in a graphic design technical course in São Paulo in 2015 could reflect elements of the students’ visual repertoire. Through qualitative research, visual language components were mapped in the results of packaging projects in the Technical Course in Visual Communication at Senac-SP, seeking to identify and analyze visual culture aspects expressed in the projects. To this end, the corpus was systematized and field observations analyzed, in addition to creating graphic and parametric analysis matrices. A relatively timid exploration of the full range of expressive design resources was noted, such as adoption of quite conventional visual patterns. In semantic terms, a significant portion of the compositions evoked informality, reflecting the students’ personal experiences. Results of such exercises seem, then, to mirror students’ aesthetic preferences, repertoires and values, thus characterizing, even if only in part, the graphic memory of the Technical Course in Visual Communication at Senac-SP in 2015 and the idiosyncratic visual culture of that generation of students in that specific context.
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