Teaching drawing in Graphic Design: an analysis of scenarios and a proposal for Brazil based on the design process and an interdisciplinary approach
Teaching of drawing, Graphic Design, Interdisciplinarity, Design processAbstract
This article presents part of the doctoral thesis by Zimmermann (2016) and presents an analysis of scenarios of teaching drawing both in Brazil and the United Kingdom. A proposal is also presented for teaching drawing based on the design process and an interdisciplinary approach in Graphic Design. The method of the study is qualitative, exploratory, with an inductive approach, including a field study in the scenarios. Data were categorised and analysed through content analysis, thereby establishing the foundation for a proposal of teaching draw-ing. The proposal includes curricular changes and drawing activities, addressing the design process and relationships between disciplines. Finally, the reflections generated from this study have indicated the possibility of expanding research in design applied to design training in Brazil, as well as the importance of inter-disciplinary studies.
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