Privacy at the e-government within user-centered design and human-centered design context: a literature review
Privacy, UCD, HCD, E-governmentAbstract
The Internet revolution and the ICTs application emerged in the data era in which the services are guided by the personal information which is collected from people. Including governmental services in e-government systems. It may represent a risk to people's freedom, democracy, and especially to privacy protection. Organizations must be prepared to implement technologies, requirements, and laws that secure citizens’ data protection, considering their contexts and needs. This paper presents the result of a study that aims to identify themes and opportunities related to privacy protection in e-government in the scope of user-centered and human-centered design. For that, qualitative research was conducted through a literature review of the ScienceDirect database from 2019 to 2023. As a result, some common themes such as data security, data protection, risks, transparency, and trust were identified, as issues to be discussed and that could serve as new foundations for future research.
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