Overview of academic research on Service Design with a focus on accessibility
Service Design, Accessibility, People with Disabilities, Systematic ReviewAbstract
The research aimed to provide an overview of the last ten years of research on Service Design, focusing on accessibility for people with disabilities. The technical procedures used are based on bibliographic research conducted through a systematic review. The results indicate 17 national and international studies, distributed in 12 countries, the majority of which are applied in nature, with a qualitative predominance and exploratory objectives. Among the most used tools in research, persona and user journey map stand out. Gaps and trends were identified, pointing out research opportunities to evaluate the effectiveness of Service Design in promoting inclusion, considering social and cultural factors. Although there are advances in public policies, the study highlights the importance of Service Design in building a more egalitarian and accessible society, and corroborates the need for innovative approaches to overcome barriers and ensure the full participation of all people in society.
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