Digital Textbook in Epub Format: Potentials and Challenges for use in Education
Design, EPUB, Digital Textbooks, Education, TechnologyAbstract
This study presents the result of the investigation of similar experiences, within the stage of analysis of the design project for the implementation of the digital textbook in EPUB format in distance education at the Federal Institute of Espírito Santo. The objective was to understand the strengths and weaknesses of this format as a digital textbook. For this, it used the bibliographic research method, analyzing a total of 24 works, national and international, published between 2016 and 2021. According to the analyses, the EPUB format has great potential for use in educational contexts, as it allows the incorporation of media, interactive activities, mathematical formulas, among others, as well as enabling the accessibility of all content. However, there are relevant points that can make its adoption difficult, among them, the need for advanced knowledge in HTML and CSS programming to implement interactive resources and their accessibility.
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