Social responsibility and design education: autonomy in the face of the complexity of contemporary human phenomena


  • Caroline de Cerqueira Medeiros
  • Marisa Cobbe Maass



Social responsibility, Education, Design Autonomy, Complexity


This work addresses social responsibility in dialogue with design education as a possible way for the student to develop the necessary autonomy to solve the complex problems that emerge from contemporary times. Skills necessary for the designer who understands his action and his active role as a subject in this
context are examined, through bibliographic review. The ability to deal with the uncertainties and complexity of the world is emphasized, observing the subjectivity involved in the design process, the dynamics of open systems, the dialogic and polysemic process in collaborative design processes in the context of social innovation, exercising empathy and affectivity. It is understood that social responsibility, assumed by the design student, brings with it personal transformation, openness to the different and the ability to listen actively in any environment. The inevitability of transdisciplinarity in design education is a finding and the encouragement for students to occupy decision-making positions in pedagogical processes is seen as a catalyst for these learnings.


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Author Biographies

Caroline de Cerqueira Medeiros

É graduada em Design pela PUC-Goiás, atualmente cursa o mestrado em Design pela Universidade de Brasília, onde pesquisa educação em design e pedagogia do design na linha de pesquisa Design, Espaço e Mediações. Tem experiência na área de design, com ênfase em design gráfico atuando principalmente com mídias sociais e design editorial. É membro do grupo de pesquisa Design Educação.

Marisa Cobbe Maass

É professora do Departamento de Design da Universidade da Brasília desde o ano 2000 e Pesquisadora no PPG Design desde 2013, atuando na linha de pesquisa Design, Espaço e Mediações. Graduada em Arquitetura e Urbanismo, mestre em Teoria e História pela UnB e Doutora em Estética do Design, com estágio na Universidade de Paris 1, Sorbonne. Concluiu o Pós-doutoramento no Núcleo de Educação Artística, do Centro de Investigação em Artes e Design e Sociedade na Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto em 2017. Lidera o Grupo de Pesquisa Design Educação desde


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How to Cite

de Cerqueira Medeiros, C. ., & Cobbe Maass, M. . (2020). Social responsibility and design education: autonomy in the face of the complexity of contemporary human phenomena. DAT Journal, 5(2), 39–52.



Teaching of Design