Terapia queer, queering terapia: desejo em luta


  • Paolo Plotegher




Arte Psicoterapeutica, Black Lives Matter, Desejo em Deleuze e Guattari, Interseccionalidade, Estudos Queer


This experience report aims to highlight the importance of internation­al multi-scale partnership networks in the development of a scientific event under a Postgraduate Program in Design, Technology and Innovation. These networks of partnerships between Brazil, Cuba, the United States, Mexico and Portugal are drawn from interinstitutional, interdisciplinary and international actions that involved the development of an international event that included lectures, round tables, presen­tation and publication of bibliographic and technical articles. This multiscale experi­ence was crossed by plural narratives that emerged from different local and regional contexts, promoting a broadening perspective of the horizons of discussion in the field of Design and its interfaces with Art and Technology.


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Biografia do Autor

Paolo Plotegher

Based in Glasgow where he works as an art therapist. Prior to their clinical training Paolo was involved for many years in self-organised experimentations inspired by the work of Felix Guattari, Silvia Federici and Starhawk.


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Como Citar

Plotegher, P. (2021). Terapia queer, queering terapia: desejo em luta. DAT Journal, 6(2), 137–150. https://doi.org/10.29147/dat.v6i2.397