Hypnotized: An Exploratory Review on Children and Screen Time
Children, Screen Time, Child Health, Interface Design, Information DesignAbstract
Information Design for Digital Interfaces has become popularized within the realm of user experience topics. Upon investigating the literature in this field, one observes in interfaces the intentional aim to capture the user's attention to the maximum extent, reduce their effort, and consequently keep them engaged. However, the healthcare sector has been researching and warning about the developmental damages caused by screen usage in children. This study seeks to confront the perspective of Information Design regarding screen usage with the knowledge produced by healthcare fields. As an initial exploratory step, this article relies on a systematic review conducted using the TEMAC methodology within the nutrition field. A total of 408 results and 7,470 citations were obtained. An apparent pattern of correlation between excessive screen time and poor dietary habits among children is observed. It is noteworthy that there is a latent concern within the healthcare community regarding children's screen consumption.
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