The Design of Sustainable Advertising Products for Tech Brands: The Influence on New Orders of Consumption
Artifact design, advertising communication, tech brands, Design and SustainabilityAbstract
This study discusses the relationship between advertising communication in tech brands that use sustainable themes as a brand promotion strategy and their contribution to promoting sustainability in society, aiming for a better quality of life. The research, centered on the Intelbras brand, employs an aesthetic-symbolic approach, analyzing the design of advertising products on Instagram in July 2023. The qualitative methodology, based on detailed analysis, reveals that sustainable communication has the potential to positively influence new orders of consumption. It concludes by emphasizing the need to align commercial strategies aimed at business partners with sustainable principles. The Intelbras brand exemplifies a visual and discursive approach that values solar energy in communication with consumer clients, contrib- uting to a more conscious and responsible society, but it also presents sustainable and commercial symbolic conflicts in the design of advertising products directed at resellers and business partners.
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