Videobrasil 40 Years Special. The Archive in Performance
Media archaeology, moving image, Videobrasil, Art history, Archive and preservationAbstract
The 22nd SESC_Videobrasil Biennial celebrates its 40-year journey in 2023, drawing inspiration from Waly Salomão’s poem: “Memory is a editing station.” The parallel and historical exhibition Videobrasil | 40 Years Special is a living archive, a space of activation, reverberation, and potential immersions into a collection comprising over 2,000 works. This recollection places the artworks in a series of new dialogues and contemporary approximations, within a performative process that triggers new layers of meaning in the gaps between the present and historical time. We will showcase the exhibition’s construction process, which attempts to narrate the history of Videobrasil through multiple axes and intersections. In doing so, we engage historical and conceptual questions, bringing together curation, design, and research.
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Signals. How video transformed the World, Nova York: MoMa, 2023. Catálogo de exposição.
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