Human and machine generating poetic energy
Art-Technology, Energy harvest, Interaction, Human body, AnthropoceneAbstract
In the context of the Anthropocene, Post-Human and Post-Digital, technology in Art gains a complexity that goes beyond the exploration of its possibilities, involving Other environmental and social concerns. From these discussions comes the proposal to build a triptych of works that incorporate current issues. In this sense, we present three works of Art-Technology, which propose to eliminate the use of commercial electricity or batteries, as well as the non-use of computers or digital processors in their structure. However, the proposal maintains the interactivity of the human with the machine and technological devices. Breath, Touch and Gesture form the triptych, in which each work explores modes of interaction, technologies, materials, shapes and meanings, based on simplicity and transparency, so that it gains energy and life through contact with the human body, generating different poetics and symbologies.
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