Space and interactivity in the remediation of a fictional book: analysis of an example
Digital book, Space, InteractivityAbstract
Digital media provided a new look at the book. Designed and designed for the computational medium, digital books use media resources different from the printed medium, providing a new type of interaction for readers. The reformulation of a medium inspired by another can be called remediation. Thus, this article presents the analysis of the app book “The Metamosphosis for iPad”, a digital book that proposes a new reading experience for the classic work of Franz Kafka, in order to identify the levels of space and interactivity involved in the book digital. For that, we used the close reading method, whose principle is in the observation of a digital artifact. As a result, the interface space was identified and was built to refer to the personality and feelings of the character of Kafka's work, presenting this to the reader through interactivity and space navigation.
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