Toku toa, he toa rangatira (My courage is inherited)


  • Jani Katarina Taituha Wilson



Courage, screens, discipline, Kaupapa Māori, Indigenous


Primarily relying on critical Kaupapa Māori analysis and comparing the existing and prospective fields of knowledge, this article considers the potential of Indigenous research as a collective of holistic research strategies. It underlines some of the challenges associated with implementing Indigenous knowledge and diverting from disciplinary norms. This is in our ideation, approach to succession planning, and the ways we conduct abstract reviewing and the formal examination of people’s work.


Author Biography

Jani Katarina Taituha Wilson

Hails from Pāroa on the outskirts of Whakatāne. She has a PhD in Film, TV and Media Studies from the University of Auckland, is a senior lecturer and Programme Leader of Māori Media in Te Ara Poutama at AUT, and is kaihautū matua of MAI-ki-Aronui, the Māori and Indigenous doctoral network on behalf of Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga.


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How to Cite

Wilson, J. K. T. (2021). Toku toa, he toa rangatira (My courage is inherited). DAT Journal, 6(2), 345–361.