Game art in the context of digital art


  • Lucia Santaella



Aesthetics, Game art, Digital art, Atributes


If the word aesthetics is taken in its original sense, that which is capable of
producing a sensory and sensitive effect on the receiver, there is no doubt that games have created an aesthetics of their own, based on a series of attributes ranging from visuality to gameplay. This article, however, aims to highlight the differences between game aesthetics and game art. While the former is an integral part of any game, game art has particularities that will be discussed here in the context of the wider territory of digital art. How does game art fit into this context? To what extent does it expand the very concept of technological and digital art in particular? Here are the questions that this article will put on the agenda.


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How to Cite

Santaella, L. (2017). Game art in the context of digital art. DAT Journal, 2(1), 3–14.