Contemporary language: theories and practices


  • Cristina Portugal



Design, Technology, Narrative, Video, Interdisciplinarity


The question that guides this article is based on the principle that art and design, as producers of contemporary languages, have an active and determining role in the society where they operate, as one of the main edifiers of culture. This paper presents a brief reflection on theoretical questions about language
in virtual spaces and some of the results already achieved with the realization of an interdisciplinary research project that presents questions about Design
and its relations with Technology and other related areas. It is sub-divided into three research projects that complement each other. The first entitled “Design *
Technology: Contemporary design in digital environments”, the second “Seminar Collection / Means of Expression” and the last “Interactive digital book for deaf
and hearing children”. This study focuses on the intersection of art, design, technology and the creative process of narrative.


Author Biography

Cristina Portugal

Realizou o pós-doutorado em Design na Royal College of Arts, em Londres. Doutora, Mestre e Bacharel em design pela PUC-Rio. Atualmente é Bolsista de Produtividade em Pesquisa (PQ/CNPq). Teve mais de 10 projetos de pesquisa na área de Design e Tecnologia contemplados por agências de fomento a pesquisa. Editora do periódico Estudos em Design desde 2010.


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How to Cite

Portugal , C. . (2020). Contemporary language: theories and practices. DAT Journal, 5(2), 25–38.



Teaching of Design