Challenges of Open Design

from theory to practice




Open Design., Open Source Hardware, Open Innovation, Practice-as-Research


In recent years, a growing variety of new Open Design (OD) projects, communities and businesses has emerged. OD benefits are often associated with design processes democratization, faster innovation and improvement of artefacts design, mass customization and an alternative to traditional businesses models. Three examples were selected from the author’s doctoral thesis analysis to explore the applicability of existing OD projects in the field of architecture and urban design. Four principles were considered: transparency, accessibility, replicability and modularity. Our findings show that although democratization is considered a key-word to OD, its use is still dependent on technologies not easily available for communities in developing countries


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How to Cite

Argenton Freire, R., Ziggiatti Monteiro, E., & Lima Ferreira, C. (2018). Challenges of Open Design: from theory to practice. DAT Journal, 3(2), 353–391.