The expanded body and the Miracle Room project
Body, Photography, Ex-votos, Media art, Daily lifeAbstract
The present text discusses the power of the body in the Sala dos Milagres (Miracle Room) proposition, it is an artwork that integrates the interdisciplinary Ex-votos project, started in 2017, after the meeting of six arts researchers. The essence of the questioning is in the sense of the corporeal organism in/and during everyday experience, which also reveals, in the diversity of social, cultural and individual relationships, consequences from the intensification of the images that are shared in the digital network. This project a mixture of the meanings of the body, questions that are exposed in a labyrinthine and complex narrative, in which are mixed affectivities, memories and a physiological set that determines an existence. Our proposal in this work seeks to walk a path that permeates personal experiences, in addition to discussing the models established in virtualization of reality.
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