A systemic approach to fashion design pro-sustainability
Systemic Approach, Fashion Design, Pro-sustainability, Social InnovationAbstract
The article aims to understand the impacts of the systemic design approach on the sustainability of the fashion industry, in response to the rapid advancement of fast fashion networks. The fashion industry continues to follow a development model that does not reflect reality and is harmful to the environment and workers. The study adopts a qualitative and exploratory approach, analyzing eight interviews with experts in social innovation and pro-sustainable fashion. The results highlight mainly positive impacts, including improvements in communication and balance between industry sectors, as well as stimulating social actions and creative education for social innovation. However, the lack of a systemic view in the fashion industry is identified as a negative impact, generating imbalance and unsustainability. In this way, the systemic approach to design demonstrates its potential in promoting sustainability in the fashion industry, but the lack of holistic vision is still a significant challenge.
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