The challenges of Performing Arts in Contemporaneity
The science and the technology as elements of the performative space
Performing Arts, Technology, Video Performance, Video Mapping, Performative SpaceAbstract
This article elaborates a reflection on the challenges faced in the scope of the performance spectacles that dialogue with science and technology within the scenic space. Such elements may be present in the scenographic composition, be applied in clothing and, in many spectacles, may appear as essential narrative element of the work. This subject is directly related to the third chapter of our doctoral thesis entitled The application of real-time visual effects in the construction of narrative of projecting in spectacles (2017) and carried out with the support of FAPESP scholarship under process nº 2014/0296-0, which was based mainly on Steve Dixon’s Digital Performance: A History of New Media in Theater, Dance, Performance Art, and Installation (2007), which tells the story of artists who have been involved in this subject since the early 20th century. In addition, we collected information on the work of Cesar Ustarroz (2011), interviews with brazilian and spanish artists, and also on our personal experiences derived from field research.
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