Design as a Method for the Implementation of Productive Processes Related to the Creation of Musical Instruments In Portugal

The Creation of a Trumpet Bell


  • Ermanno Aparo
  • Fernando Moreira da Silva
  • Liliana Soares



Musical Instrument Design, Design and Territorial Systems, Co-Design, Tactical Design, Product System, Design by Drawing, Craft Evolution, Transport


This work is an integral part of a research project and aims to demonstrate
the competence of Design to read and interpret the materials and processes
of a productive context to create sustainable, creative and innovative products. In particular, it is the choice to develop high-performance products within the scope of musical instruments. In methodological terms, the co-design method is used to support the development of a component of a trumpet. The complex productive cycle of a component of a musical instrument can bring benefits both to the process and to the actors involved
- artisans, designers, musicians and small industries. With this research it is hoped to demonstrate that the responsible designer is able to move and guide experiences, profiting already existing processes in favor of new products. The creation of a bell for a trumpet oriented, both for the problems related to acoustic and musical performances, and for the innovative theme of creating a wind instrument in the field of metals, makes this research important to demonstrate new spheres of sustainable development that cover the areas of music and design.


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How to Cite

Aparo, E., da Silva, F. M., & Soares, L. (2017). Design as a Method for the Implementation of Productive Processes Related to the Creation of Musical Instruments In Portugal: The Creation of a Trumpet Bell. DAT Journal, 2(1), 116–133.