Methodologies and Design Tools for Exergames


  • Bruno Santana Oliveira
  • Sergio Nesteriuk



Design, Game Design, Serious Games, Exergames


Serious games is the term used for videogames used for purposes that go
beyond the entertainment, in areas such as education, training, simulations and health - a subject of concern for governments and considered relevant to the well-being of a society. Considering the increasingly ubiquitous and pervasive presence of computers and smartphones, this text assumes that exergames may prove to be a viable way to improve health-related practices in contemporary society. A literature review highlighted the lack of methods and tools to assist the design of this type of game. Thus, this article presents an initial exploratory research on design methodologies directed to exergames.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, B. S., & Nesteriuk, S. (2017). Methodologies and Design Tools for Exergames. DAT Journal, 2(1), 65–79.