Among beetles, cows and herons: inter-agency and enchanted narratives for the com-formation of worlds
Interagency, Form and function, Conversation dispositifs, enchanted narrativesAbstract
This paper reflects on the notion of interagency (Despret, 2013) and how we constitute ourselves and our world in agency with other species. The notions of form and functionality are called from a view of the body and living systems in order to constitute enchanted narratives that enable the formation of worlds not only from a view of war and struggle among species, but companion species (Haraway, 2008). In a second moment, this interactivity and co-creation of the world is explored from conversation dispositifs, tools developed by the Design and Anthropology Laboratory (LaDA) of the Superior School Superior of Industrial Design (ESDI) of the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). I bring these tools closer to the concepts of non-pacified listening and care with dissent developed by me.
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