IP3_Amarelo: Cybernatural and coexistence between nature and machine


  • Artur Cabral Reis




Cybernatural, Nature-artifice, Computational art, IP3_AMARELO


This article discusses the theoretical and practical investigation for the development of the emerging and self-organized computational work IP3_AMA¬RELO, exposing the thoughts and concepts which inspired its conception. The text also presents reflections based on the concept of cybernatural proposed by Mitch¬ell Whitelaw, which proposes to explain the possibility of a coexistence between the machinery and the biological, considering the dyad nature-artifice.


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Author Biography

Artur Cabral Reis

Artista computacional mestre em Artes Visuais pela Universidade de Brasília, doutorando bolsista CAPES também na Universidade de Brasília. Atualmente faz parte da equipe do Medialab/UNB, onde em suas pesquisas explora a relação arte e a computação em por meio de interfaces e poéticas computacionais


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How to Cite

Cabral Reis, A. (2021). IP3_Amarelo: Cybernatural and coexistence between nature and machine. DAT Journal, 6(1), 28–34. https://doi.org/10.29147/dat.v6i1.319