The metaphor of the skin in the poyectual process of clothing
Metaphor, Skin, Body, Vitality, Feel, Build sense, LinkAbstract
This work considers the body from its vitality of interchange with the world (breathing, eating, perceive). The skin emerges as a border of interaction, container and permeable, between a living body and an ever changing world. Instead of understanding the design of the dress, from a fragmented view between the subject and the object (the dress) that involves a classi cation that is already ruled. It is explored from the vitality of interactions (multiple and varied). The metaphor emerges as a design language that enables the designer to approach that which has no form yet. The project process from “the metaphor of the skin”, alludes to a binding metaphor that validates the body, perception and the poetic universe as an experience to dream, to imagine and to project form, materiality, world.
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