Out of series design in ,ovo production
Out of serie design, contemporary design, art and design, design in BrazilAbstract
This article discusses the production of the double, ovo, composed by Luciana Martins and Gerson de Oliveira for 28 years from the concept out of series. Out of series we mean a production that is dissociated from the industry and does not follow traditional projective methods, that is, guided by pre-defined materials and manufacturing systems, following design, ideation, validation, among others, aiming at solving a problem. On the contrary, in the out of series design the proposition of an artifact often derives from the daily observation, of a restlessness or enchantment. The production of the ,ovo lies on the border between art and design, establishing dialogues between the areas and enabling the generation of products that invite reflection through the unusual of object proposals, going beyond the functionalist and consumer issues. The circulation and insertion of the production of the ,ovo was initially done in galleries and shows, as well as design awards, demonstrating its approximation and hybridization with the artistic universe. On the
other hand, their production often occurs in limited editions or on a small scale. Within this context we divided the present article into three topics. In the first, an out of serie design, we make an explanation about the concept and its characteristics. In the second, Indeterminacy, we discuss the non-objectivity of the out of serie artifacts and, finally, Freedom as a methodology, we approach the methodology of creating the projects of the double.
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